2022-2024 Strategic Plan
Charting the course for the next three years of Field to Market’s journey, the Alliance’s nearly 150 diverse member organizations shaped the 2022-2024 Strategic Plan, refining and calibrating our pre-competitive approach to accelerate impact and deliver the outcomes that society and our planet need from U.S. agriculture.
Since our founding in 2006, Field to Market has been a vanguard in pioneering a consensus-based, outcomes-focused, and science-driven approach to uniting diverse stakeholders across the food and agriculture value chain to deliver sustainable outcomes for agriculture.
In fostering relationships across the value chain, Field to Market strengthens trust between sectors and offers a better understanding of the unique role each sector plays in advancing a collective mission. As a result, the Alliance has generated a wealth of shared knowledge regarding the challenges and opportunities toward catalyzing continuous improvement and building a future in which agriculture supports resilient ecosystems, while enhancing farmer livelihoods.
Our next three-year strategy incorporates these learnings to harness the power of collective action for creating impact at scale, while maximizing value for all members.
Our 2022-2024 Strategic Priorities
- Convene Diverse Stakeholders - Convene diverse stakeholders to facilitate multi-sector collaboration, advance shared learning, and drive collective action in accelerating sustainable outcomes for nature and farmers.
- Provide Science-Based Leadership - Develop and strengthen Field to Market’s science- and outcomes-based resources for measuring sustainability performance, assessing opportunities for improvement and bridging environmental and social science to catalyze positive change.
- Identify and Promote Innovative Incentive Strategies - Strengthen capacity across the value chain to deploy effective incentive strategies to support farmers in scaling conservation adoption by addressing agronomic and financial risk of transition.
- Scale Impact Through Partnerships - Facilitate and scale pre-competitive partnerships across the value chain that deliver continuous improvement at the field, farm and landscape levels.
- Enable Credible Communications - Enable credible stakeholder communications that facilitate and improve supply chain and industry reporting, showcase leaders in sustainability, and strengthen public confidence in the food and agriculture system.