NRCS Small Grain Iowa, Minnesota, & Wisconsin Project

Farmers in Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin who receive cost share to add a year of small grains to a corn and soybean rotation provide their production data from each year in the rotation. This data will be used to understand the environmental impact of extending rotations by an additional year and communicate these benefits to companies with an interest in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in their supply chain.


Engagement Targets

Notes: (1) Minor fluctuations in the number of retained growers is expected from year to year. These fluctuations may be due to year-over-year crop rotation effects or other factors beyond the control of the project. Enrolled acres represent the total number of acres on an individual farm in a specific year. The ability to report enrolled acres is based on the Fieldprint Project Standard requirement that individual growers enrolled in projects enter at least 10% of the acres managed for a specific crop. (2) Entered acres represent the actual number of enrolled acres for which data is entered in the Fieldprint Platform for analysis.


GHG Emissions and Soil Health
To assess and document lower greenhouse gas emissions, increased soil health (lower soil conservation and higher soil organic matter), and fewer pollutants and sediments in waters by adding small grains & legumes to a corn-soybean rotation with cost share participants annually from 2017 to 2024.
First Party Verified

We have pushed to enter more data in the calculator this year to refine our estimates of GHG emissions across diversified rotations. Early estimates show lower GHG emissions in small grain cropping rotations compared with corn-bean rotations, across the entire rotation. More data will help us calibrate this relationship further. We've been doing tile monitoring on small grain fields to continue to quantify the effect of small grains and covers on water quality. Together these results will be presented at the Soil and Water Conservation Society's annual meeting in July of 2021.

In 2020 we made a large push to enter more small grain production information, as well as diversified cropping system information into the Calculator. We will be analyzing this data in more detail in the next few months and will be showcasing the results at the Soil and Water Conservation Society annual meeting. Looking at previous data we do see that adding in a small grain to a corn-soybean rotation lowers the average GHG emissions across the rotation. More data will help us quantify this relationship more.

We are using tile monitoring data to capture how small grains improve water quality. Initial observations of the data support our hypothesis that small grains lower nitrate-N concentrations from tile water outlets. These results will be shared with the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Center.

Model Improvement
To assess the accuracy and suitability of Fieldprint scores for capturing extended rotations as measured against other sustainability tools by 2019 and to provide feedback to tool developers to improve suitability of the models for capturing extended rotations by 2024.
First Party Verified

Once again, we'd appreciate models for small grain crops other than winter and spring wheat. Most of the data we enter are for oats and cereal rye. Many of our farmers also harvest their small grain as forage and there is no silage or forage harvest option for small grains, there is only the option for harvesting them as grain or entering corn silage.

Perhaps more urgently, we'd really appreciate a silage option for small grain crops. Some of our farmers harvest small grains as silage instead of grain, however there is no way to enter yield (as in tons of biomass) for a small grain crop.





Project Lead Organization

Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)Full
Sustainable Food LabFull

Implementation Partner

Practical Farmers of IowaFull

Project Details

Primary Crops
Corn (grain)
Wheat (durum)
Wheat (spring)
Wheat (winter)
Counties the project is located in:
