Bartlett Kansas and Missouri Winter Wheat Project
We’re in a unique position within the Supply Chain where we directly touch the producer and end user. Through our Continuous Improvement journey, we’re committed to engaging and supporting Kansas wheat producers in measuring sustainability performance to create a credible baseline to support our end user Customers.
Engagement Targets
Notes: (1) Minor fluctuations in the number of retained growers is expected from year to year. These fluctuations may be due to year-over-year crop rotation effects or other factors beyond the control of the project. Enrolled acres represent the total number of acres on an individual farm in a specific year. The ability to report enrolled acres is based on the Fieldprint Project Standard requirement that individual growers enrolled in projects enter at least 10% of the acres managed for a specific crop. (2) Entered acres represent the actual number of enrolled acres for which data is entered in the Fieldprint Platform for analysis.
During year one of this project, we reached our initial enrollment goals. We anticipate strong growth for the 2023 growing season and should outpace our goal of 25% growth.
We were able to exceed our goal of enrolled acres for the 2023 crop year.
Despite the challenging growing season of 2023, the farmers enrolled in our project were able to implement new practices on over 4,000 acres. These practices consisted of doing cover crops and reducing tillage. We have completed this objective.
We were able to conduct visits with enrolled producers and drive adoption of enhanced practices.
In 2023, we were able to incentivize the use of soil and water conservation practices which proved to benefit the participating farmers on a drought stricken growing season.